Lam Research India plans to open an office in Dholera, Gujarat, to provide essential on-site client care for Tata Electronics’ groundbreaking semiconductor plant. This move aligns with Lam Research’s commitment to supporting the intricate needs of semiconductor manufacturing, including front-end wafer processing, essential for advanced electronic components. Lam Research’s technological expertise, including its advanced Semiverse modeling system, will play a vital role in supporting India’s semiconductor industry. The company’s involvement in Tata Electronics’ plant in Dholera will be key to meeting the rising demand for electronics, AI, and smart devices, with the sector projected to grow significantly by 2028.
Lam Research to Establish Office in Dholera to Support India’s First Semiconductor Production Plant
The semiconductor plant in Dholera, developed by Tata Electronics in collaboration with Powerchip Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation, marks a major leap toward reducing India’s dependency on imports. With support from Lam Research, this initiative aligns with the Indian government's Semiconductor Policy, which aims to boost local manufacturing and strengthen the nation’s position in the global semiconductor market.