Dholera, widely known as Dholera Smart City, is an ambitious project located within the boundaries of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. This revolutionary Dholera SIR ( Dholera Special Investment Region ) is a Greenfield Smart City, built entirely from scratch by undertaking land of 22 villages and developing it to surpass advanced cities like Shanghai and Singapore in every aspect.
The Dholera SIR development project has gained significant importance in a short span of time due to its ultimate features and benefits. This development project is fully supported by the federal government and offers capabilities for personal segment contributions. Dholera Smart City is one of the latest projects in Gujarat and stands out as the largest greenfield project in Asia.
ABCD Building is an Administration and Business Center for Dholera SIR, serving as the central admin office of Dholera Smart City. All legal works and permissions are processed through a single window within this building, providing single window clearance. Under the @IGBConline Green Rating System, the Special Purpose Vehicle Building at the ABCD complex in Dholera has achieved a PLATINUM rating.
Dholera offers unique amenities, being the first city in India with fully integrated underground utilities such as gas, power, potable water, recycled water, sewage pipes, and storm water systems. These are pre-planned to ensure complete development and the capability to handle the growing demands of the city. From the outset, the vision has been to adopt a 'Plug & Play' approach, where all land parcels are fully ICT enabled, and completely built-up infrastructure is available at the plot level.
Dholera, widely known as Dholera Smart City, is an ambitious project located within the boundaries of Ahmedabad, Gujarat. This revolutionary Dholera SIR (Special Investment Region) is a Greenfield Smart City, built entirely from scratch by undertaking land of 22 villages and developing it to surpass advanced cities like Shanghai and Singapore in every aspect.
✔ Total Area: 920 Sq. km.
✔ Developable Area: 567.39 Sq. Km.
✔ High Access Corridor: City Center, Industrial, Logistic, Knowledge & IT, Recreation & Sports, Entertainment.
✔ World-class infrastructure & connectivity: within & outside.
✔ Central spine expressway & Metro Rail to link the SIR with mega cities.
✔ Airport & Sea Port in the vicinity.
✔ Proximity to mega cities: Ahmedabad, Bhavnagar, Vadodara.
✔ Benefit of sea coast, nature park, golf course.
✔ Premium civic amenities.
✔ Capable to cater to both International & Domestic Market.
✔ Close to Gujarat International Finance TechCity (GIFT).
✔ Close to Petro-chemicals and Petroleum Inv. Region (PCPIR).
✔ Logistic support of the Dedicated Freight Corridor (DMIC).
✔ Benefits of the high impact Delhi Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC).
✔ Public investment in core infrastructure.